Living better with Multiple Sclerosis

A social and professional network for MS patients & family members

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Doctors & other professionals will answer your questions

Leading experts address questions asked by both persons with MS and caregivers in various professional groups, including Neurologist, radiologist, other doctors in different fields, and other experts who provide persons with MS, with reliable information.

Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask

Community of Persons with MS & Caregivers

An attentive and supportive social network of persons with MS and caregivers tailored for each patient and their specific needs, interests, concerns and passions.

The forums provide assistance and support: users share their personal experiences, tips and information. They support one another through coping with daily challenges, recovery and the many other facets of the journey.

Our Mission

Improving quality of life & quality of care worldwide, through technology, services, data and AI.


276 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10001

Phone: +1 (212) 634-4595

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